The CCR Program is designed to help adults refresh or learn new skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency. Instruction is provided to assist students preparing to take HSE tests to qualify for a High School Equivalency Diploma. All of our classes are free!
Technical Standards for Admission to any Program offered in College and Career Readiness
The student must:
- Interact with and communicate in clear and meaningful ways to others
- Be able to listen and follow instructions given by instructor with minimal assistance and redirection
- Demonstrate respect for the rights and property of others
- Work cooperatively with other students and instructors
- Be self-directed and regulate behavior to complete duties as assigned
- Adhere to the Martin Community College Student Code of Conduct
- Be able to take a National Reporting Service (NRS)-approved assessment to determine an educational functioning level as defined by Title II of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Office of Career and Technical Adult Education(OCTAE), with or without accommodations.
- Be at least 18 years old or submit required documentation and notarized paperwork to enroll as a 16- or 17-year-old. (Students under 16 may not enroll in the College and Career Readiness Program)
- Not be currently enrolled in high school (either withdrawn or graduated)
College and Career Readiness Programs
The student must:
- The Adult Basic Education Program(ABE) provides instruction in reading, writing, and math which serves as a foundation for additional studies.
- The High School Equivalency Program (HSE or GED®) is designed for persons preparing to take the HSE/GED® tests to qualify for a High School Equivalency Diploma.
- English Language Acquisition (ELA or ESL) is designed for adults who want to learn the English language skills necessary to function effectively in an English-speaking environment.
- HSE/GED® Online Classes is online instruction that helps students prepare for the HSE/GED®, improve employment opportunities, and build confidence for testing. It is instruction that works anywhere and anytime there is access to the Internet and supplements class instruction.
- Transition Math and English are offered to assist students wishing to prepare for College Gateway Math and English courses. Students enrolling in these courses receive assistance with achieving credit to enroll in gateway Math and English college courses with or without a co-requisite saving money and time. These classes are offered to high school or HSE/GED® graduates (and near HSE grads) at NO CHARGE!
- Digital Literacy: This course is designed to provide adult learners with the foundational digital literacy skills that they will need to seek, obtain, and sustain employment. Students will also be prepared for the technology skills they will need for post-secondary educational opportunities. This class is offered at NO CHARGE!
College and Career Readiness Schedule
- Math, Social Studies, English, and Science
- $80.00 for the complete GED testing series ($20.00 per test).
- *Funding for test fees is available, please see instructor for details.
Students must:
- Attend orientation by appointment
- Take a CASAS test by appointment (CASAS stands for Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System)
To enroll in College and Career Readiness, adults, and qualifying minors (16 – 17 years old) are required to schedule a registration appointment by contacting Jennifer Phelps at 252-789-0260 or