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State Authorization, Complaints, and Professional Licensure

State Authorization for Educational Activities

Institutions must obtain approval from states for local and distance postsecondary educational activities relevant to the delivery of educational programs. Activities include all learning delivery modes, including but not limited to non-classroom experiences, faculty members who live outside of North Carolina, proctoring, professional licensure, and marketing. Compliance with individual state requirements is now part of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, Amended 2018. H 600.9 (c).

Martin Community College (MCC) has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA is a voluntary regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education.

MCC is authorized to offer online programs/courses to students in all states, districts and territories that participate in NC SARA which includes all states except California and also includes Puerto Rico and the U.S Virgin Islands. MCC is required to consistently use the same policies and procedures to determine the state in which a student is located for all students in order to determine if authorization from a state must be secured. MCC must, upon request, provide the Secretary with written documentation of its determination of a student’s location and the basis for such a determination. MCC makes the determination of a student’s location at the time of initial enrollment and upon formal receipt from the student of information about a change in that student’s location.

Note: Determination of student location for state authorization purposes is NOT the same as residency determination for payment of out‐of‐state tuition and fees.

MCC reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant who is not a resident of North Carolina who seeks to enroll in any program or course if the applicant’s location is determined to be in a state where the college is not authorized to provide educational services.

Accreditation Contact Information

Martin Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Contact information for SACSCOC is:

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
1866 Southern Lane
Decatur, GA
Phone: (404) 679-4500

Student Complaint Process Information

MCC Grievance Procedure

If you have a student complaint, you should attempt to resolve the student complaint through the MCC Grievance Procedure.

In the event that the student complaint cannot be resolved within the department, students should submit a signed MCC Student Grievance Form to the attention of the Vice President of Student Development Services:

Dr. Brian Busch
Vice President, Student Development Services
1161 Kehukee Park Road
Williamston, North Carolina 27892
Email: bb88772@martincc.edu
Phone: (252) 789-0244

Student Complaint Process North Carolina Post-Secondary Education

If the above student complaint process is not satisfactory, students may contact their state approval or licensing entity in the student’s state of residency established to handle student complaints.

In North Carolina, the student complaint contact is the UNC‐System Office.

Please review the Student Complaint Policy (PDF), and submit their complaint using the online complaint form at Post-Secondary Education Complaints.

North Carolina Post‐Secondary Education Complaints
c/o Student Complaints
223 S. West Street, Suite 1800
Raleigh, NC 27603
Phone: (919) 962-4550
Website: North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints

State Authorization Liaisons per State

Students residing outside of North Carolina may also file a complaint with his/her home state in the event an issue cannot be resolved internally.

Student Complaint Agency contacts per state can be accessed at - State Portal Entity Contacts. Also, State Authorization Liaison contacts per state can be viewed at State Authorization and Lead Contacts

Student Complaint Process SACSCOC

If your student complaint is still not resolved to your satisfaction, you can reach out to Martin Community College’s accrediting agency. Martin Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award the Associate in Arts Degree (A.A.), the Associate in Science Degree (A.S.), the Associate in General Education (A.G.E.), and the Associate in Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.).

When filing a complaint to SACSCOC, please follow the guidelines listed in the "Procedures for Filing a Complaint Against an Institution" (PDF) of the SACSCOC Complaint Procedure.

1866 Southern Lane
Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097
Phone: (404) 679-4500
Website: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

Student Complaint Process SARA-NC

If a student complaint cannot be resolved through MCC’s student complaint procedures, students may file a student complaint through SARA-NC. The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA) serves as the SARA-NC portal entity for North Carolina. Students should use the SARA-NC Complaint Process and use the SARA-NC Complaint Form (PD). Links are listed below:

Contact information for the SARA North Carolina Director that handles student complaints:

Terrence R. Scarborough, M.P.A.
Director of SARA North Carolina
P.O. Box 41349
Raleigh, NC 27629
Phone: (919) 248-4667
Email: complaint@saranc.org
Website: SARA NC

Professional Licensure

Martin Community College (MCC) has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA). However, NC-SARA does not deal with professional licensing board approval for any courses or programs leading to professional licensure. The U.S. Department of Education regulations require disclosures for all programs leading to licensure or certification. Disclosures are provided for all states indicating whether the program curriculum meets state educational requirement for licensure or certification or whether the program curriculum does not meets state educational requirement for licensure or certification. Disclosure may be viewed below under the heading Professional Licensure Program Disclosure Checklist.

If you are considering a program at MCC that leads to professional licensure or certification and you do not live in North Carolina or plan to practice in another state, please contact the program director that corresponds to your desired program prior to enrolling into the course or degree program.

Although we strive to connect you with the best information possible, Martin Community College programs are designed to prepare a student to apply for applicable licensure/certification in North Carolina. National and state professional licensure/certification boards maintain approval privilege's for reciprocity for out of state students or students who plan to transfer or work in another state.

Students seeking to complete licensure or certification programs with Martin Community College and planning to move to another state are encouraged to contact that specific state licensure board to confirm how to obtain a license or certification in that state.

NC-SARA Professional Licensure Directory (provides contact information for Counseling, Nursing, Psychology, Social Work, and Teacher Education programs, which lead to a professional license)

North Carolina Business and Occupational License Database lists hundreds of business, occupational, and privilege licenses issued in North Carolina that may be needed to operate a business or work in North Carolina.

Professional Licensure Program Disclosure Checklist

Students may view the Program Disclosure Checklists to determine whether the program curriculum:

  • meets state educational requirements for licensure or certification,
  • does not meet state educational requirements for licensure or certification,

Sections list Professional Licensure Program Disclosure Checklists by Division or Program and links to licensure information by state.

Division of Allied Health

Marty Flynn, CMA, (AAMA)
Division Chair, Allied Health/Public Safety/Director, Medical Assisting
Martin Community College
1161 Kehukee Park Road
Williamston, North Carolina 27892
Email: mf77089@martincc.edu
Phone: (252) 789-0292

Division of Education and College Transfer

Daniel Price, Division Chair
Division of Education and College Transfer
Martin Community College
1161 Kehukee Park Road
Williamston, North Carolina 27892
Email: dp84764@martincc.edu
Phone: (252) 789-0209

Division of Business, Technology, and Cosmetology

Vickie Murphy, Division Chair
Division of Business, Technology, and Cosmetology
Martin Community College
1161 Kehukee Park Road
Williamston, North Carolina 27892
Email: vm93325@martincc.edu
Phone: (252) 789-0283


Denise King
Healthcare Occupations Coordinator
Martin Community College
1161 Kehukee Park Road
Williamston, North Carolina 27892
Email: dk13324@martincc.edu
Phone: (252) 789-0287

Public Safety

Milton Davis, Jr.
Director, Basic Law Enforcement Training
Martin Community College
1161 Kehukee Park Road
Williamston, North Carolina 27892
Email: md10722@martincc.edu
Phone: (252) 789-0267

Emergency Medical Services

Candace Peaden
Emergency Management Services Coordinator
Martin Community College
1161 Kehukee Park Road
Williamston, North Carolina 27892
Email: cp04798@my.martincc.edu
Phone: (252) 789-0266


Larry Johnson
Fire Training Coordinator
Martin Community College
1161 Kehukee Park Road
Williamston, North Carolina 27892
Email: rj98923@martincc.edu
Phone: (252) 789-0205