Martin Community College's non-curriculum healthcare programs are administered through the College's Division of Continuing Education. Currently, these programs include Health Care Orientation, Nurse Aide (NA) I and II, Nurse Aide (NA) I and II Refresher Courses, Phlebotomy Technician, Medication Aid for Long Term Care, Pharmacy Technician, and Activity Director. Each of these programs generally require fewer than six months to complete and prepare the students for immediate entry into high demand jobs.
Healthcare Programs Application Process
- Review the Healthcare Program Requirements (Pages 2 & 3), Estimated Costs
(Pages 5 & 6). Decide which program you would like to enroll in & complete the
Healthcare Program Application (Page 1).
Attach copies of applicable documents to your application for the program you want to enroll in. Refer to Healthcare Program Requirements to make sure you have attached the correct documentation (High School Diploma, GED, HS Equivalency, etc.). - Complete Healthcare Program Immunization Form (Page 4). Immunization Form must be completed by your Healthcare Provider or Health Department. Immunization records printed from Health Department or School Records will be accepted in lieu of the Immunization Form). Immunization Forms must be turned in along with Healthcare Application
- Attend Mandatory Orientation Session either in person or online. If you attend online session you must submit the online questionaire with your application to receive credit for orientation attendance. (You must attend/complete an orientation session before you submit your registration fees for the program).
- Complete any additional pre-requisite requirements as described in the Orientation Session. For information regarding Key Train Assessments and Career Readiness Certification preparation contact Herman Rankins at: 252-792-1521 or
- Pay your Healthcare Program Registration Fees to Mrs. Bond (Building 2, Office
35), at least three days before the first day of the class. Bring or mail your Healthcare
Program Application & Forms to:
Healthcare Occupations Coordinator
Building 2, Room 29
Forms and Documents
- The Con-Ed Healthcare Program Application contains everything you need to apply for the program.
- The Con-Ed Healthcare Program Cost Estimates is a list of cost estimates for your reference. All prices are subject to change.
Healthcare Course Descriptions
The Nurse Aide I course (184 hours), prepares students to provide personal care and basic nursing skills for the elderly. Emphasis is on the role of the nurse aide; communication; documentation; infection control, safety; resident’s rights; common disorders/diseases of body systems, aging changes; personal care and grooming; accurate measurement of vital signs; elimination; nutrition; death and dying. Although strongly encouraged, high school/GED is not required for entry into the Nurse Aide I class. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are eligible to apply for the North Carolina (NC) State Certification Examination required for listing as a Nurse Aide I on the NC Nurse Aide I Registry. Pre-Requisite Requirements: Attend Healthcare Orientation and successfully complete the 24-hour Career Pathways course. Students must also have a Silver Level score on the Career Readiness Certification (CRC) to enroll in the Nurse Aide 1 Course
The Nurse Aide 2 course (180 hours), prepares the Nurse Aide I to further their employable skills through a higher level of clinical practice. In addition to continuing skills learned in Nurse Aide 1 training, Nurse Aide 2 students learn how to care for individuals requiring sterile wound care, testing of blood glucose, oxygen therapy, tracheostomy care and suctioning, tube feeding, catheter insertion and removal, colostomy care, and IV site care and IV removal. Upon satisfactory completion of the course and Final Written/Lab Competency Evaluation, graduate is eligible to apply for Nurse Aide 2 listing with the NC Board of Nursing-Nurse Aide 2 Registry. Pre-Requisite Requirements: High school diploma, GED, or equivalency; and current listing in good standing on North Carolina Nurse Aide I Registry.
The Phlebotomy Technician course (215 hours), provides classroom and clinical instruction to prepare students to safely and properly collect and handle blood specimens for diagnostic testing. Course content includes but is not limited to: bloodborne pathogen precautions; safe handling of biohazardous materials, appropriate communication skills for working with patients, selection of venipuncture sites, maintaining venipuncture equipment, performing successful venipunctures, handling specimens, and clerical duties regarding blood analysis. Students will be required to perform venipunctures on each other under the direct supervision of the instructor. In addition to satisfactory attendance and academic performance, students will not progress to clinical unless they are competent at phlebotomy sticks in the lab setting. Pre-Requisite Requirements: Successfully complete the Career Pathways Course; High School diploma or equivalency or GED; attend Healthcare Orientation; score Level 4 or higher on Key Train Assessment. Strongly preferred: previous experience in the medical field as NA, EMT, or other healthcare worker, OR have taken a Medical Terminology or Anatomy course.
The Activity Director course (85 hours), prepares students to work in Long Term Care Facilities, Senior Centers, and Adult Care Homes as a director of recreational activities suitable for adults. The course consists of 60 hours of classroom and online instruction and 25 hours of supervised clinical practice. Course instruction includes but is not limited to: methods of organizing arts and crafts activities, games, movies, puzzles, and sing-alongs; scheduling religious services and visits from musical groups or other entertainers, and age-appropriate seasonal activities meaningful to the resident population. Pre-Requisite Requirements: High School diploma, GED, or equivalency.
The Pharmacy Technician course (96 hours), prepares students for entry level in the Pharmacy Technician field. Course content includes medical terminology specific to pharmacy, reading and interpreting prescriptions, defining drugs by generic and brand names, learning dosage calculations, IV flow rates, drug compounding, dose conversions, dispensing of prescriptions, inventory control, and billing and reimbursement procedures. While several exam options are available, our course is geared towards the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board’s PTCB Exam. Pre-Requisite Requirements: Attend Healthcare Orientation; successfully complete the Career Pathways Course; High School Diploma, GED, or equivalency; score within 2 points of Level 5 or higher on the Applied Math component of Key Train Assessment.
The Medication Aide for Long Term Care course (24 hours), prepares Nurse Aides to safely administer medications to residents of skilled long-term care facilities. Course content includes instruction on safe administration of medications via oral, topical, sublingual and other routes. To successfully complete the course requires: attendance for the entire 24 hours of instruction, a score of 90 or above on the written classroom exam, and a passing score on a classroom skills proficiency exam. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are eligible to apply for and take the North Carolina Medication Aide Certification Exam. Pre-Requisite Requirements: High school diploma, GED, or equivalency; and current listing in good standing on North Carolina Nurse Aide I Registry.
The Nurse Aide 1 Refresher course (42 hours) is a review of North Carolina’s Nurse Aide 1 practice requirements. The course includes review of the role of the nurse aide, basic nursing and personal care skills, care of cognitively impaired residents, basic restorative care, resident’s rights, and infection control. Successful completion of a written exam and a laboratory skills test according to the NNAAP requirements is mandatory for course completion. After successfully completing the refresher course, students will be cleared for eligibility to register for the North Carolina Nurse Aide 1 Competency Exam. Documented Proof of one of the following situations must be provided to register for the Refresher Course: Nurse Aides with an expired North Carolina Nurse Aide I listing within the last 3 years - with no substantiated finding; OR a successful completion of a North Carolina Nurse Aide I Program from an accredited institution within the last 3 years; OR a current Nurse Aide I listing from another state with no substantiated findings; OR an expired out-of-state listing with no substantiated findings from an accredited institution; OR a successful completion of a Nurse Aide I Program from another state from an accredited institution within the last 3 years.
The Nurse Aide 2 Competency Assessment course (24 hours) is a course for students with an expired Nurse Aide 2 credential. The NA 2 is eligible for competency assessment if: the NA 2 was eligible for renewal of NA 2 Listing prior to the listing expiration; AND the NA 2 worked at least eight hours for compensation during the past 24 months performing nursing care activities under the supervision of a Registered Nurse; AND The NA 2 must have no substantiated findings of abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of funds on the DHSR Nurse Aide Registry; AND the NA 2 has had a continuous period of 24 months during which nursing care activities were not performed for monetary compensation, but patient care activities were performed for compensation; AND: the NA II Certification has not been expired for more than 24 months. The NA 2 must also be currently listed on the NORTH CAROLINA Nurse Aide 1 Registry.
Note: If the NAII does not meet all of the above criteria, an entire NAII course must be completed.
Faculty and Staff

Sue Gurley is the Health Occupations Coordinator for MCC. She is responsible for supervising and coordinating all activities (student, faculty, and instructional) associated with the non-curriculum Health Care programs offered throughout MCC’s service area in Martin and Bertie Counties.
Gurley, a Registered Nurse (RN) since 1984, earned her AAS Nursing degree from BCCC and, while in school, was a member of Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society and Vice-President of the Senior Class. Gurley is also certified by the NC Board of Nursing as a Medication Aide RN Instructor and has recently received specialized training in Infection Control in Long-Term Care Facilities.
Upon graduating from BCCC, Gurley immediately launched her medical career at Beaufort County Hospital (now Vidant Beaufort Hospital) as a nurse. Within a year, she joined the nursing staff at Pitt County Memorial Hospital where she worked in a variety of specialty areas for more than fourteen years. These specialty areas included: cardio-pulmonary telemetry, hematology/oncology, general medical-surgical, adult psychiatry, and geriatrics. While at Pitt, she also worked for four years as a Quality Assurance Unit Representative, collecting, analyzing and reporting on data from hospital-wide nursing units. Gurley also worked as a nurse for Tar River Manor, Gentiva Home Health and the Craven Correctional Department and as a part time nurse aid instructor for BCCC. She joined the MCC staff in February of 2016.