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MCC Expands Cosmetology Program into Bertie County

April 13, 2021

The old Bertie High School's (BHS) former sports complex building recently got a "new do" and opened as cosmetology labs for Martin Community College (MCC) on March 25. The Bertie County School system renovated and furnished the space to make it possible for MCC to expand its Cosmetology program into Bertie County and make it possible for Bertie High School students to earn College credits while still in High School. The new labs are located directly across Highway 13 North from the new Bertie High School near Windsor.

The NC State Board of Cosmetic Arts approved the space for use in mid-March and the students began using the labs on March 25. Prior to occupying the labs, the students were engaged strictly in classroom work. Once the students have two successful semesters of cosmetology training, the public will be able to use the hair care services provided by the students.

According to MCC's Associate VP of Academic Affairs, Dr. Tabitha Miller, "Thanks to the 'can do' attitude of BHS Principal Hoggard, Asst. Principal Stephanie Cottle, Bertie Schools' HR and Operations Director, Michael White, CT Director Wanda Cofield, and Maintenance Director Matthew Bond, MCC was able to partner with BHS to enhance the learning environment for their students. MCC is thrilled with the quality of these labs and looks forward to moving this program forward in Bertie County. Eventually, it will grow to include evening classes for nonhigh school students."

MCC Cosmetology Instructor Ebony Sheppard is leading the program on the Bertie campus. Currently she has eleven students in the program, but nine of them will graduate at the end of this school year. However, twelve students have already registered for the Fall 2021 Semester. These students are also earning tuition free College credits while in High School and saving their parents thousands of tuition dollars.

MCC's Fall Semester starts August 18. Bertie High School (BHS) students interested in pursuing a career in cosmetology are encouraged to contact MCC's Career Coach at BHS, Codi Phelps Rhodes, to register for this program. Rhodes can be reached at cr07585@martincc.edu or at her office on the BHS campus.