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A.A.S. Degree in School-Age Education (A55440)

This curriculum prepares individuals to work with children in elementary through middle grades in diverse learning environments. Students will combine learned theories with practice in actual settings with school-age children under the supervision of qualified teachers.

Course work includes child growth/development; computer technology in education; physical/nutritional needs of school-age children; care and guidance of school-age children; and communication skills with families and children. Students will foster the cognitive/language, physical/motor, social/emotional, and creative development of school-age populations.

Graduates are prepared to plan and implement developmentally appropriate programs in school-aged environments. Employment opportunities include school-age teachers in child care programs, before/after-school programs, paraprofessional positions in public/private schools, recreational centers, and other programs that work with school-age populations.

    For more information about registration and enrollment, please see the College Catalog. You must have advisor approval to register and enroll. The advisor will ensure you are placed in the right sequence of courses to meet your academic and program completion needs.