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Pre-Medical Assisting Associate Degree in General Education (A10300M)

The Associate in General Education Pre- Medical Assisting curriculum is designed to prepare students for enrollment in the Medical Assisting Program.

Course work includes study in the area of humanities and fine art, social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences and mathematics, and English composition. Opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and the basic use of computers will be provided.

Through these skills, students will have a sound base for lifelong learning. Graduates are prepared for advancements within their field of interest and become better qualified for a wide range of employment opportunities.

For more information about registration and enrollment, please see the College Catalog. You must have advisor approval to register and enroll. The advisor will ensure you are placed in the right sequence of courses to meet your academic and program completion needs.

Eligibility for Acceptance

Applicants must complete all developmental courses with a grade of C or higher before being considered for admission into the Medical Assisting Program.

While students are completing their developmental courses, they will have an opportunity to take the following courses in the medical assisting program:

BIO 163--Basic Anatomy & Physiology

ENG 115--Oral Communication

PSY 150--General Psychology

MED 110--Orientation to Medical Assisting

MED 118--Medical Law & Ethics

MED 121--Medical Terminology I

MED 122--Medical Terminology II

MED 138--Infection & Hazard Control

OST 136--Word Processing or CIS 111 Basic PC Literacy